Monday, June 13, 2011


Well, my first public attempt at a banner. I'm not very good with this sort of thing. The only "picture editing" software I use is Paint. Yeah, Paint. I took a class on photoshop and graphic design but it was dumb and I feel like I didn't learn anything.

I wish I had more to say about that. It's been a really long, really odd day. Spencer and I aren't fighting, but there are a few things that I have been less than happy about today. I'm just wallowing in it until I can decide whether I am overreacting or not.

I am babysitting my neice, Tamra, this week. And next week, if this week goes well. She is spunky and very feisty. She is an extremely smart girl, but this can mean she can be a handful at times! lol

I made Spencer Angry Birds cupcakes last night. Baking the cupcakes only took 30 mins to prepare and bake, another little while to cool, maybe 30-45 minutes to frost them, then another 2 hours, roughly, to decorate them. I used to work at Mrs. Fields, but I was too young to be made any kind of shift manager, so I never got the chance to decorate the big cookies, even though I have the know-how and the just. I just lack the experience. Here's a picture of them.

That's all I have for you today. Time to keep on keepin' on!

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